1805 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate Drawers and Grantees
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (www.ajc.com)
by Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr.
December 12, 2004
“This monumental work allows researchers for the first time to see who won the land in the area where their ancestors lived.”
“Graham has written a valuable introduction to the land lottery system, explaining how it worked, how to use his book, and the various sources that exist for this lottery.”
Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter (www.eogn.com)
by Dick Eastman
February 18, 2005
“I found this book to be super simple to use. You look up an ancestor’s name in the index and then turn to the page referenced. In my opinion, that simplicity is a very good thing.”
“As a result of this online index, you can look for names before buying the book. This is unusual for genealogy books and is a darned good idea, in my opinion.”
The Dallas Morning News (www.dallasnews.com)
by Lloyd Bockstruck
June 11, 2005
“While indexes have existed for these lotteries for a number of years, they had their shortcomings, including errors. This prompted Paul Graham to redo the 1805 land lottery. He utilized footnotes and endnotes to address specific problems, and his notes enhanced his work tremendously.”