Admission Register of Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1842-1861

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This book contains the admission record for the first 888 patients admitted to the Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, Georgia. The hospital, the state’s first mental institution, was authorized in 1837 and opened to patients at the end of 1842. Each patient record begins with a list of basic facts, with their name, county of origin, age, marital status, and other facts depending on the particular patient. The introductory information is followed by a description of symptoms that led the patient to the hospital, along with possible causes of illness. Records end with dates of admission then those for elopement (escape), dismission, or death. The number by each individual is the sequential patient number given in early admission records.

Publication Details

Title: Atlas of East and Coastal Georgia Watercourses and Militia Districts
Author: Paul K. Graham
Publisher: The Genealogy Company
Publication Date: 2011
Size: 6.2″ x 9.1″
Pages: 145 (135 numbered)
Binding: Case Binding (hardcover)
Price: $25
ISBN: 978-0-9755312-5-9

At its founding, the hospital was called the Georgia Lunatic Asylum. It began on a forty-acre campus, located south of Milledgeville near Midway, which has since expanded to 1,750 acres. The first superintendent was Dr. David Cooper, who was also one of the hospital trustees. The staff during the 1840s included the superintendent, steward, matron, watchman, two attendants, and two servants. Cooper served to 1845 when he was dismissed and replaced as superintendent by Dr. Thomas A. Green. Green instituted numerous significant changes, among them: abolishing forms of restraint, hiring white nurses (instead of slaves), and instituting a system of classification among patients. He served until 1874. The institution’s name was changed to the Georgia State Sanitarium in 1898, then to the Milledgeville State Hospital in 1929, and finally to Central State Hospital in 1967.

Three indexes can be found at the end of this book. The first includes every name, both patient’s and close contacts referenced in the records. The second index lists causes of commitment. Due to the nature of the records, a cause was not listed for many patients. No effort to index every noted symptom was attempted. The third index includes every location mentioned in the records. Place names with no state are in Georgia. Out-of-state locations are noted.

No major changes were made during the transcription process. Personal names were transcribed as they appear in the record. Where place names were misspelled in minor ways, they were changed without note (Bullock to Bulloch). Brackets [] were used to note major changes, illegible text, and clarifications. Throughout the text, minor changes were made to improve ease of reading; this included adding and removing commas, as well as changing capitalized common nouns to lower case.

Copies of the records transcribed in this book are available on microfilm at the Georgia Archives. Additional Central State Hospital records available on microfilm include admission records through the 1920s, registers of individuals buried in the hospital cemeteries, and operations records of the institution. For more records created since 1924, contact the hospital directly. Medical privacy laws apply.

Central State Hospital
620 Broad Street, Milledgeville, Georgia, 31062
(478) 445-4128

Names List

Jacob L. Abrahams
Duval Adam
Edward H. Adams
Elizabeth L. Adams
Julia Adams
Littleton G. Adams
Mary A. Adams
Hiram Addcock
John R. Alexander
A. S. Allen
Jane Allen
Margarette A. Allen
Mary Ann Allen
Robert T. Allen
Mr. Allredd
James H. Anderson
Elizabeth Ansley
Louisa Ansley
James Armour
Jane Armour
A. C. Armstrong
Ann Armstrong
Hugh G. Armstrong
Bartholomew Arnold
James Arnold
Elijah C. Arthur
Daniel Ashford
Dennis Ashford
Daniel Ashmore
Benjamin F. Askew
John Atcheson
James D. Atkinson
James G. atkinson
John Atkinson
Isaiah Attaway
Major Isaiah Attaway
Rebecca Avery
Samuel Avery
Hannah Backley
Edward J. Backley
Edward J. Bacon
Sofronia Baily
William Baird
Martin Baker
W. H. Baker
James D. Barker
Jenette Barley
Merrit Barnes
Thomas Barnes
L. Barnett
Tilman Barnett
Mahala Barns
Edward W. Barnwell
Sophia Barnwell
Stephen H. Barton
Sarah E. Bashler
Batt. & Clark
Joshua Baugh
William Edward Beddell
F. M. Belcher
Missouri J. P. Bell
William A. Bell
Lewis Bender
John Benson
Elizabeth Bently
Jules Bernadotle
Robert Betts
Eliza A. Bigham
William Bigham
George G. Bird
J. W. Bird
John Bird
John W. Bird
Adeline E. Bishop
Anderson R. Bishop
Reuben Bishop
Robert K. Bishop
Sarah Bishop
George B. Bivel
Ivin U. Black
Margaret Black
Nancy J. Black
Peterson Black
Thomas Blackburn
Thomas Blackstock
Ann A. Blakey
Benjamin C. Blakey
Scott Blakey
G. B. M. Blount
Nancy Blount
George A. Boen
A. J. Boggess
Frances Bohannon
David Boling
S. L. Bolton
John P. Bon
John Boockout
Charles Booker
Margaret J. Booker
Hannah Boston
Harriet Boulevare
William S. Bower
L. G. Bowers
John Bowman
James Boyd
Samuel Boyd
William Boyd
Temperance Bracewell
John Bradley
Sarah Brady
John Brame
LUcy Branch
Jefferson Brand
Thomas D. Brand
W. H. Bray
Jonathan Brazil
Morris Brewer
John Bridges
N. T. Bridges
Theodore Bridges
William Brockett
Moses Brockman
David Broderick
John Broffy
Joab B. Brooks
Emily Brown
James M. Brown
Martha Ann Brown
Polly Ann Brown
Silas Brown
John Brumbilo
Charles Brunning
Caroline O. Bryan
Frederick Bryan
Annie Budd
Thomas Bullard
J. M. Bunting
Thomas H. Burch
Bird Burke
Wilson S. Burnes
James Burnett
John J. Burnett
Samuel T. Burns
Benjamin H. Burton
Jane Burton
Benjamin Busby
Joseph Busby
Mary Busby
Thomas Busby
Ezekiel Butler
John Butler
Robert Byrd
William Byrd
John Caldwell
Matthew Caldwell
Abner R. CAlloway
William R. Calloway
C. Camble
Andrew J. Camp
Frederick Campbell
Mary E. Carlton
Jincy Carpenter
Nancy Carpenter
Lucinda Carr
Carr & Epping
C. F. Carson
John Lawrence Carson
Penelope T. Carswell
Eldridge Cash
Eldridge S. Cash
Washington Cash
John H. Casteel
Margaret Cavenough
Jacob Chadbourne
Edwin Chambers
Josiah Chambers
Nathan Chambers
Martha Chance
Sarah Chandler
Wily J. Chandler
E. T. Chapman
Edwin E. Chapman
Wilson M. Chapman
Benjamin T. Chastain
Flemming Childers
John Childers
Martha A. Childers
Howell E. Chitty
William A. Choice
Mary Clanton
A. B. Clark
Catherine Clark
Ezekiel Clark
Frederick G. Clark
Gibson Clark
Peter Clark
Lavina Clarke
Richard Clarke
William M. Clarke
Cornelius Clarkson
Sarah Cliett
Reuben Cobb
John Cole
L. E. Cole
Carlisle Coleman
Francis C. Coleman
A. M. Collier
John T. Collier
Wilbur E. Collier
Dr. Collins
Solomon Colson
Sarah Comstock
William Connelly
John Conner
Margaret Conway
Maria Conway
R. H. Conway
J. M. Cook
James Cook
Jesse M. Cook
John Bunyun
John S. Cook
John Bunyan Cook
R. J. Cook
Elizabeth Cooper
G. W. Cooper
Susanah Cooper
John Copeland
Martin Costelow
Madulda Coward
P. C. Coward
Sarah Cramer
Joel A. Crane
Mary Craving
John Crawford
J. W. Creamer
James W. Creamer
Sally Creamer
C. C. Crews
Charity Crews
George M. Crews
Decatur Crocket
Mary Crosby
J. M. Crouch
William Crow
James H. Crutchfield
Prior Crutchfield
Thomas Cummings
Wiley Cummings
Ebenezer Cunningham
F. S. Cunningham
John C. Curd
Cassandra Curry
Daniel Curry
C. C. Curtis
H. G. Curtis
John Dalrymple
Mary J. Daly
John R. Daniel
Lewis Daniel
Mary J. Daniel
John Danner
Jeremiah Darby
Charlotte Daughtry
Dudley Davenport
H. M. Davenport
Mary Davenport
Dolly Ann Davis
Francis Davis
James Davis
James M. Davis
John S. Davis
John W. Davis
Nancy Davis
Susan Davis
Titus A. Davis
William H. Davis
Sarah P. Dawson
Lafayette Dean
Morgan Dean
Susannah Dean
Thomas J. Dean
Caroline Deason
Myley A. Delk
James Delt
Judah Delt
Henry K. Demere
Raymond Demere
Nancy Denning
Polly Denning
Hiram Dennis
Mariam Denny
Ellen A. Dent
James Denton
Henry DePeatt
Ellen G. Dickson
Peter Dickson
J. A. Dixon
Lewis B. Doane
Martha Dogeon
Elizabeth Dodson
Benjamin Donald
John Donaldson
William J. Donnelly
E. C. Dorman
Richard Dorman
Cinthia Dorough
Margaret Dorris
William Dorris
Nancy Jane Douglass
Bridget Downey
Patrick Doyle
William Drake
Martha Drew
Susan Drew
Cassa Drummond
Joseph Dubberly
Henry P. Duke
R. P. Duke
H. W. Dulin
James Duncan
John T. Duncan
Robert Duncan
E. M. Dyer
Joel H. Dyer
Sarah Dyke
John Earle
Mary C. Ebbs
Caroline Edmonds
Sterling F. Edmunds
Caroline Edwards
Frances M. Edwards
Harriett Edwards
Joseph Edwards
M. B. Edwards
Mary Elard
Adam Ellis
John Ellis
N. Y. Espy
William Ethridge
Davi Eubanks
Jefferson Eubanks
Delila Evans
E. I. Evans
Jerusha Evans
John Evans
Judge Ezzard
Henry Falkner
S. M. Fambrough
Charles Farrell
George W. Farmer
Thomas Farnell
Bethina Farter
R. Farwood
Benjmain Faulkner
Mary E. Faver
Jasper Favor
Elizabeth Featherstone
Richard Felton
William Fergurson
Patsey Fields
Nancy A. Filigim
J. W. Filligim
Peter Finelle
Hannah Fishacher
Henreich Fishacher
Thornton Fitzpatrick
Madison Flanders
Maria Flannigan
C. A. J. Flemister
William Fletcher
Virginia Florence
Polly A. Floyd
David T. Fo?
Nancy Ford
R. S. Forster
William M. Forster
C. M. Fort
Dr. Fort
Edward Foster
David Fox
John L. Freeman
Malachi J. Frost
Harriet Gadis
William Gadis
Feinister Gailey
James Garigan Jr.
M. H. Garman
Sarah Garman
John B. Garrison
William M. Garrow
Jane Gassoway
Eugene Gavan
Eugene M. Gavan
James S. Gibson
Spencer Gilbert
Daniel Gillis
William D. Gilmore
Sarah C. Girtman
Catherine Glassgoe
B. Glenn
William J. Goode
John Goodson
Rebecca Goodson
Jane Goodwin
Joseph Googe
Susan Goulding
Louisa Grant
Oscar H. Graves
Benjamin P. Gray
Robert C. Gray
Alexander Green
Dr. Green
Jesse Lavina Green
Mrs. Green
Frederick Greene
Kenneth C. Greene
Sarah Greenwood
Letitia Grubbs
W. W. Grubs
Nancy Guest
Charity Gully
Elizabeth Gully
Julia Gunn
Harmon Halcom
Robert H. Hale
James H. Hall
Joseph Hall
Samantha Ham
Detif Hammeringham
Jeptha J. Hammock
Redick P. Hammock
Preston Hampton
Abigail Hardee
Salina Harden
Emily Hardwike
John Hare
Jackson Hargroves
Benjamin J. Harper
Elizabeth Harper
Sarah Ann Harrall
Louiza Harrington
Anice J. Harris
Moses Harris
Samuel Harris
Sarah J. Harris
STephen Harris
Mary Ann Harrison
Thomas S. Harrison
Margaret A. B. Harvey
T. B. Haskell
James Hassen
John D. Hatch
John Hatch
Henry W. Head
James P. Heidt
Margaret Henderson
Samuel Henderson
Benjamin Hendrick
Zachariah Hendrick
Sarah Hendrix
Clarissa Hendry
James R. Hendry
M. A. Henkel
Matheson Henn
Margaret Hennessy
Jasper R. Henry
John P. Henry
William Henry
A. L. Hickman
Michael Higgins
John R. Hill
William N. Hill
Richard E. Himeby
Sarah K. Himeby
Elizabeth Hines
Sarah A. E. F. Hines
James L. Hinton
Henry Hirshler
Catherine Hobbs
Benjamin Hodges
Elizabeth Holden
Elizabeth Holder
Amelia Ann Hollis
David Holman
Susan Holman
John D. Holmes
John J. Holmes
Pamelia Holt
William M. Holt
James Homes Jr.
Nathaniel R. Hood
Polly Hooks
Sarah Horn
J. W. C. Horne
Laban Horton
M. J. Hough
George Frederick Houser
Mary Howard
N. T. Howard
James J. Howell
Mournig M. Howell
Thomas W. Howell
Mary A. Hubbard
Elizabeth Huff
J. C. Huff
James M. Huges
Robert R. Hunt
Nelson Hurley
Patrick Hurley
Elvira Hurt
Robert Hurt
Redmund Hutchins
John D. Howell
R. B. Hyde
William Hyde
Thomas J. Ingram
Thomas J. Ingram
Henrietta Jacobs
James James
Shadrach James
Shadrack James
James Jenkins
John Jenkins
William Jenkins
Henry M. Jernigan
E. D. Johns
Alexaner Johnson
Celestia Johnson
Harvey C. Johnson
Henry Johnson
John W. Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Joshua Johnson
Martha C. Johnson
Millet Johnson
Osborn R. Johnson
Temperance Johnson
Thomas Johnson
W. J. Johnson
Wesley Johnson
William Johnson
William W. Johnson
William Johnston
Edwin Jones
F. A. Jones
Mary S. Jones
Sophia M. Jones
Walton H. Jones
William W. Jones
Ira J. Jordan
Thomas G. Jordan
Walter G. Jordan
Robert Justice
Edward Kean
Eliza M. Kean
Philip Kean
Anna L. Keaton
John Keaton
Jacob Keener
J. M. Keith
Priscilla Kellabrew
E. Kellum
Mathew Kelly
S. V. Kelly
Oliver P. Kelton
Harvey R. Kemp
Brison Kennedy
Katy Kennedy
Rachel Kenney
G. M. Kerns
A. J. Key
James Killingsworth
Andrew J. Killion
Alexander King
F. P. King
James King
John L. King
Thomas W. King
A. J. Kirby
Jesse Kirby
Irwin Kirkland
Mrs. Kirkland
Emily Kirkpatrick
Erastus Kirtland
Elizabeth Kitchen
Loyd A. Knight
William Knight
John A. C. Knowles
Alice Lamb
Thomas Lambeth
Allatha M. Lane
Harvey Lanford
Lidia Langham
John Lard
Bridget LaRoux
Thomas Lasseter
Catharine G. Latimer
Robert H. Lazenby
William E. Lazenby
Jacob Learer
Peter Leddy
Amy Lee
Darling P. Lee
Elias Lee
J. W. Lee
John W. Lee
Louisiana Lee
Mary Lee
Peter Lee
robert Lee
Thomas Lee
Jules Lefler
Bennet Lemasters
John James Lenoir
A. K. Leonard
Robert B. Lester
Wde H. Lester
H. S. Lewis
Mark R. Lewis
Nathaniel D. Lewis
William Lewis
William Henry Lewis
William B. Lewis
Mary Ann Lindsay
Elizabeth J. C. Little
J. J. Little
Martha J. Little
William Little
Olive Littlejohn
Elizabeth Logan
Doctor F. Long
Joseph H. Long
Mary Long
Westly Long
Bethena Lord
Willis Lord
Lemuel Lovett
David C. R. Lowe
Maria E. Lowe
Eliza A. Lowry
Henry Lowry
Mary A. Lunsay
Bathsheba Lynum
James L. Lynum
Ellen Lyons
Timothy Lyons
Allen Mabry
Solomon Mabry
Caroline Maclin
Thomas J. Madrey
PEter F. Mahone
Calvin Majors
Daniel Majors
Nancy Malone
Mrs. Mangum
R. F. M. Mann
John R. Manson
Abraham C. Martin
Benjamin Mason
Henry G. Mathews
George Maxwell
Juliana Mayer
Harvey S. Mayne
Isabella Mayne
Thomas McBee
Hugh McCa??
Mrs. McCall
Daniel H. McCollum
Daniel McCook
Frances McCormick
Alpheus McCrary
Green B. McCrary
Samuel McCraskey
John McDaniel
John W. McDaniel
Alexander McDonald
Eliza McDonald
John S. McDonald
William Sheppard McDonald
Frances McElhannon
Arthur McGrath
Arthur McGraw
Elizabeth McGuire
James McGuire
Zachariah McGuire
Thomas McGurl
Sarah Ann McHugh
James McLanahan
Elizabeth McLendon
Christian McLeod
Sarah McLeod
Mary C. McMahen
Andrew McMickin
Caroline M. McMillan
Elizabeth J. McMillin
Lucinda McPherson
Martha McRae
Mary McRae
Alexander McRanie
William J. McCracy
William McVinney
James McWhorter
Jonathan Melton
Sarah Melton
T. J. Micklejohn
F. Midlam
Elizabeth Miles
Henry J. Miller
Jessee Miller
William Miller
Jackson Milner
John B. Milner
Richard J. Milner
Samuel J. Milner
Benjamin Minchew
Parthenia E. Mines
Matilda F. Mitcham
William L. Mitcham
George W. Mitchel
D. B. Mitchell
Julia A. Mitchell
Martha E. Mitchell
Nathaniel Mitchell
Patrick Moline
Catherine Moody
Margaret Moody
Sarah Moody
Lucy Mooney
Catherine S. Moore
Eliza Ann Moore
F. Carter Moore
John H. Moore
Sandford W. Moore
DeWit C. Morgan
Mastin Morgan
Mercy Morgan
Elizabeth P. Morrison
Almida Moss
Betsy Ann Moss
Josiah Moss
Martha Moss
Melissa Moss
Robert Moss
William Moss
Martha Mound
J. T. Mullen
King H. Mullens
J. K. Munnerly
Enoch Murphey
Mary Murphy
Timothy Murphy
William J. Murphy
Mary A. M. Murray
Duke Myers
Hunley Nameless
Elizabeth Nance
Harvey W. Nancy
M. M. Nancy
Eliza Neely
John A. Nelson
Nicholas Nelson
John Newman
Joseph E. H. Newton
Kate Nichols
D. L. Nicholson
Charles W. Nixon
Mary Nixon
Patsy Noble
James W. Norman
Mary Ann Norris
James O’Brien
Jane O’Neall
Daniel Obrian
Elijah Ogdam
Martha Ella Oglesby
Shale Oglesby
Jemima Oliver
Patsy Oliver
Sarah Ann
John M. Osborne
Maria F. Osborne
Mariah F. Osborne
William Osborne
William V. Osborne
Jane Paris
LeRoy Paris
Thomas P. Park
Thoams S Park
Anna Parker
E. F. Parker
James B. Parker
Milly Parker
Rhoda R. Parker
william Thomas Parks
Catora Parsons
James F. Partain
S. C. Partain
Ann B. Pearce
Maranda Pearce
Riley Pearce
Emeline E. Pearson
Wiley Peavy
Isaac W. Peeler
William G. Pemble
M. E. Pentecost
Andrew Perfuse
Disey Perkins
Mary D. Perkins
N. M. Perkins
Thomas Perkins
D. A. am. Perota
Amelia E. Pevy
Margaret Pevy
Alexander Pharr
Joseph Pharr
Joseph Phelps
William Philips
Sarah Phillips
Sarah Pickens
Mathew M. Pinder
Selina Pinsen
Archibald Pitts
Columbia Pitts
Holland Pitts
Julius C. Pitts
Andrew J. Pledger
William M. Pogue
J. C. Pollard
Margaret L. Pollard
John G. Pollock
William Pool
William Pope
William Poppell
Delila Porter
John W. Porter
Martha Porter
Mary Porter
Henderson Poteete
William M. Potter
Dr. Powell
Elizabeth A. Powell
John W. Powell
Anna Presswood
George W. Pritchett
Allen Pucket
James Purbly
Mary Quarles
Anderson Quick
Barney Raiford
C. D. Rawlings
Frances E. Rawlings
Julia A. Ray
Joseph Read
F. W. Reagan
Joseph Reagan
Henry Redding
George Reed
John C. Reed
Josiah H. Reed
William Reed
Katharine Reeves
Seaborn Reynolds
W. M. Reynolds
William Reynolds
John C. Rhodes
Augustus Richards
Isabella H. Richards
Michael Riggle
Barney Riley
Mary Riley
Civility Roberts
Elizabeth Roberts
Louisa Robinson
Luke Robinson
Thomas D. Robinson
William J. Rogers
Dulcebella Rogers
Sarah Rohr
Moses Rolm
Susannah Roney
Whitson Rosseau
Isaac Rowdon
Stephen Runnel
Reuben Runnels
Harriet Ann Rusk
Hugh Rusk
John C. Rusk
William C. Russel
James B. Russell
James M. Russell
John B. Saltmarsh
Julia Ann Sanders
Wesley Sanders
Penelope Saunders
Sarah Scarborough
Wright Scoggins
Mary Scott
Seaby Scroggins
Barbara A. Seabolt
George W. Seabolt
Isaac Seabolt
A. B. Seals
A. Bolivar Seals
A. L. Sellman
James Selman
Louiser A. Selman
James Sewell
Henry P. Shackelford
Margaret Shea
Wiley J. Shepard
Joseph Shepherd
Sarah M. Sheppard
Margaret K. Sherman
Jefferson Shirley
Nancy Shyres
Charles S. Sibley
William E. Sikes
Hiram G. Silman
Moses W. Simmons
Susan W. Sims
James Sinn
James W. Skinner
Mary Skinner
Robert Skinner
James Slaughter
Elijah Smallwood
James Smedley
Nancy Smedley
W. J. D. Smiley
William J. D. Smiley
Adeline Smith
Bryan Smith
David Smith
Henry Smith
James M. Smith
Joel Smith
John Smith
Joseph Smith
Lydia Ann Smith
Mariah Smith
William Smith
William J. Smith
Cornelia Snellings
John K. Snelson
Timothy Snelson
Timothy C. Snelson
James M. Sorrells
Elias Sosebee
Sally Sosebee
Sarah Sosebee
Thomas Sosebee
George J. Spencer
John Sprayberry
Hon. Spraybury
Susannah Springer
Sarah Spruce
Winfred J. Stapp
Matthew Stephens
Mr. Stephens
Sarah Stephens
Frances Stokes
Sylvanus Stokes
Russell Stowers
Daisy Strickland
Mary Stroud
P. W. Strozier
Michael Sullivan
Samuel Sweat
Solomon Sweat
John Talmadge
W. S. Tarpley
Rebecca Tatum
Frederick K. Taylor
Martha Teat
Martha B. Teat
Calvin Teel
Cornelia Teel
Erasmus Teel
Harry Tenny
Phineas Terry
William Terry
Capt. Thatcher
Francis Thomas
Gwinnett Thomas
James R. Thomas
Temperance Thomas
William Thomas
Archibald Thompson
C. A. Thompson
James Thompson
John R. Thompson
Robert M. Thompson
Seaborn Thompson
William H. Thompson
Tabitha Tidwell
John Tigh
Wiley Tiner
L. A. H. Tippens
Caroline Todd
James H. Todd
William W. Torrence
Jeremiah Touchstone
BRidget Tracy
Ezekiel Treadaway
William Troup
Matilda Trussel
Jane Tucker
E. E. Tullis
Mr. Tullis
Frederick Turberville
Berry Turner
Elisha P. Turner
Mary P. Turner
Nicholas Tuttle
William T. Tylor
Willis Tylor
Mary Ann Usher
William R. Utter
John H. Varnum
Carnaby Veal
Mrs. Verstille
John Wade
John M. Wade
Susan Wadkins
Susannah Walden
Ann B. Walker
George Walker
Green Walker
J. W. Walker
Mary Walker
Mary E. Walker
Martha Wallace
Ellis M. Waller
Jane Waller
Mary Waller
William Walton
Samuel L. Ward
Francis W. Warner
James B. Warren
Patsey Warren
Patsy Warren
William Warren
Elizabeth Warwick
William M. Warwick
James Washington
Hezekiah Wassle
Atha Waters
Fas. Watson
Keziah Watson
Thomas D. Watson
Lavicy Webb
Wiley Webb
Frances W. Welborn
Gideon Welborn
Richard N. Westbrook
Jane Wheeler
Tamsey Wheeler
Henry Wheelus
James H. Wheelus
Mary Whit
Ann White
John White
Lavinia Whitehead
Elizabeth J. Whitehead
Mary Whitlock
Augustus C. Whitworth
Elizabeth Whitworth
William Wier
Mary M. Wiggens
Greene M. Wiggins
Elizabeth Wilcox
James T. Wiley
Caleb Wilkerson
A. J. Williams
Jefferson Williams
John L. Williams
Mr. Williams
Nancy Williams
Richard M. Williams
Silas Williams
Thomas R. Williams
Hiram N. Wilson
Lucinda Wilson
William Wilson
James W. Winchester
William P. Winters
Walter S. Withers
Calvin Wolf
Magdalene Wolfe
Sabina Wolfe
C. L. Wolfe
Virginia O. Wolfe
James N. Wood
Lourancy L. Wood
Mary Wood
Hamilton G. Woodall
James Woodall
Telitha Woodall
W. A. Woodburn
Moses Woodfin
Daniel Woodring
Joseph Woodring
Bethia Wright
William A. Wright
James H. Yancey
William Yarbrough
Sophia Young
Bertrand Zachary
Lewis Zachary